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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lasik Surgery for all your Eye Problems

Lasik Surgery has made life much easier for people with eye problems. Lasik surgery or lasik surgery treatment is nothing but a kind of refractive surgery that is used for myopia treatment, shortsightedness treatment, hyperopia, and astigmatism. As the name suggests, Lasik surgery is performed by ophthalmologists using a laser, hence it is also known as laser eye surgery.

The whole lasik surgery treatment usually takes 5-10 minutes for one eye. Patients are released the same day.

The pre-operative precautions to be taken by a patient of lasik surgery are many. Generally, the doctor advice a patients to stop wearing soft contact lenses 5 to 21 days before surgery. Lasik surgery patients are prescribed an antibiotic beforehand to minimize the risk of infection post operation. This is to be strictly followed.

Among the postoperative care, that a patient of lasik surgery treatment should take is to follow the doctor’s instruction while administering the eye drops. Patients should also get adequate sleep to minimize the risk of complications.

All patients of lasik surgery treatment, whether they have undergone myopia treatment, or shortsightedness treatment, should wear the black pair of goggles to protect their eyes from bright lights, as prescribed by the physician.

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