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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cystoscopy-Its Purpose,Precautions and Risks

Cystoscopy is nothing but the medical term for endoscopy of the urinary bladder via the urethra. Cystoscopy endoscopy is performed under local anaesthesia. However, general anaesthesia is also sometimes used for operative cystoscopy purpose.

A doctor may recommend cystoscopy when a patient may suffer from frequent urinary tract infections. Cystocsopy purpose may also range from blood in the urine, loss of bladder control or overactive bladder, unusual cells found in urine sample, painful urination, chronic pelvic pain, urinary blockage, stone in the urinary tract and unusual growth, polyp, tumor, or cancer.

The whole process of cystoscopy consists of using a cystoscope, which is about half an inch in diameter. For cystoscopy purpose, X-rays of the kidneys can be taken. Further, narrow parts can also be widened, stones taken out, pieces of the bladder lining taken out, and diseased parts burned out as needed.

Cystoscopy precautions to be taken prior to the operation include several healthy living tips like maintaining a balance weight, giving up on smoking. Also if the patient about to undergo cystoscopy has a history of illness, then he/she should get tests done to keep those under control.

Cystoscopy risks are very rare and can be taken care of with proper medications.

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